How us photographers can spice up a session to make long-lasting memories!

Get the vibe going from the Beginning
Hey, fellow photogs! A super important aspect of a successful session is making sure there are never any uncomfortable/awkward moments! I understand this happens sometimes – not everyone clicks. However, you can always set the vibe and tone for the session off the bat with some background noise!!
Always bring a speaker with you during your sessions
This helps tremendously… I mean, it’s really hard to have awkward moments if there is never any silence!
Ask your couple what kind of music they like
Remember this session is about your clients! Make sure you ask them what kind of music they like! Play the songs that spark their interest and get them loosey-goosey and comfy from the start!
Stay Weird.
Yup, you heard me right. We’re all weird, eh? It’s so fun to have silly moments with your clients! I promise you the sillier you are the more comfortable they feel being themselves!
When you’re introducing poses or prompts – show off your silly side and make fun of yourself or stumble over yourself when you exemplify what you want them to do! This eases their mind when they go into the pose instead of wondering if they’re going to do it wrong and look weird.
Never make negative comments if the pose you wanted didn’t workout
This is super, super important. Side note:
I’m not very confident in front of the camera. Even if I know how to pose myself, I still have to have someone telling me to do that pose or else I feel kind of weird doing it. (does that even make sense?) I guess it’s easier to do a pose or prompt if someone is telling me to do it and hyping me up along the way – rather than feeling weird trying to hype myself up.
One thing that can immediately create a negative narrative on what I look like, is if the person behind the camera makes a face or comment like “oh god no”.
Rather instead, when a pose doesn’t work, blame it on yourself – not them. “AH, I like where you put your arm better when you were moving! Perfect, let’s do that instead.”

Make sure you’re taking time during the session to get to know them and ask them questions!
No one wants to get their photos taken in silence or by a photographer that doesn’t put the effort in, show appreciation, or get to know them!
If you’re a couple or wedding photographer then you love this stuff! You love watching people be in love and seeing how unique each relationship is…, so act like it!
- Ask them how they met
- How their weekend was
- Food is always a good topic
- Are you a cheese wine kinda couple or brews and fried food?? Both? SAME.
- Any travel plans?
- Fav thing to do together?
- Tell them why you love doing this so much
- Talk about the music playing/artist/concerts/etc.
- What’re you currently binge-watching?!?!?! I have like 4 shows right now lol.
Be your bubbly self and even if they were having a bad day, you can bring their mood up with this fun hangout/photo sesh!
They’re making memories and will look back at it in their photos for a lifetime – Make some fun memories for them!! 🙂
Y’all Rock,
Let me know if this was helpful 🙂 Tag me in your next session! I love to see everyone’s creative ideas!
Remember, If you’re having fun…they most likely will too 🙂

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